Blackwired Web
Privacy Statement

Blackwired Pte Ltd has adopted this privacy policy in order to ensure users of our commitment and dedication to privacy. The following privacy guidelines apply to the website “” (Site). Blackwired respects your right to privacy. We invite you to visit our site to search or browse the site without revealing who you are or registering with us.

However, if you choose to give us personal information via the Internet that we may need, it is our intent to let you know how we will use such information. If you tell us that you do not wish to have this information used as a basis for further contact with you, we will endeavor to respect your wishes.


Registration is not required to gain access to the commercial site. However, there are sections of our web sites that do require authentication.

Security and Privacy

Blackwired’s websites use reasonable commercial methods and security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. We store the information in a database in a secure environment protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. When personal information is transmitted, it is protected with encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

Statistical Information About Your Visit

When you visit our Site, some information such as your Internet Protocol address, Internet service provider, operating system, the Site from which you arrived, and the time and date of your visit may be collected automatically as part of the software operation of this Site. This intake of information is not personally identifiable. Blackwired Pte Ltd uses this information solely for internal marketing purposes, for example, to see what pages are most frequently visited in order to improve the Site. After it is used for internal marketing purposes, this information is discarded.We also collect information through the use of a technology called “cookies.” A cookie is a small file that a web site can send to your browser, which is then stored on your system by your browser. The use of cookie technology on or is solely for internal marketing purposes. If you are uncomfortable accepting cookies from our Site or any other, you can set your browser to notify you when a Site attempts to send you a cookie, giving you the opportunity to decide for yourself whether or not to accept the cookie. You can also set your browser to turn off cookies.

Blackwired collects the information (including personally identifiable information) you provide when you send us e-mails, when you register for any of our events or classes, and in the operation of services.Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through Blackwired public message boards, this information may be collected and used by others.

Personal Information

To opt-out from having any provided information used for email communications from us, please click on the opt-out (unsubscribe) link in any message you receive from us. This will allow you to unsubscribe or update your message preferences. Alternately, you may contact us at


Any time Blackwired Pte Ltd collects information that you voluntarily submit, it is Blackwired Pte Ltd intent to inform you of why this information is being requested and how it is going to be used. We may collect personal information from you including phone, electronic mail address, and other information you choose to provide at various times, for example, when you complete an online form or request. Blackwired Pte Ltd uses the personal information we collect online to process your requests, inform you of opportunities that we believe you might find interesting, and to understand your needs so that we can provide you with the highest quality of service. Blackwired Pte Ltd intends to protect and secure the personal information that you submit to this Site. Blackwired Pte Ltd will not sell, distribute, or give your personal information to any third party without your knowledge and consent. Blackwired Pte Ltd shall not be liable for any personal information that you submit to external vendors or to any web site linked to this Site.

Resume Collection

The Site provides a capability for users to submit their resumes to Blackwired Pte Ltd via a third party subscription based website we have authorized. Any resume so received by Blackwired Pte Ltd will be held in confidence and used only for the purpose of considering the submitting party for employment. Such information is not shared with third parties external to Blackwired Pte Ltd domestic and international branches.

Blog Sites

If you leave a comment on a Blackwired blog, please be advised that any personally identifiable information you submit on our blog site can be read, collected, or otherwise used by anyone who reads the blog or who visits the URL of the blog post you comment on. We are not responsible for use of this information by non-Blackwired personnel.Your name and e-mail are required for verification and protection against spam. The name you leave will be published and is used as an identifier of the comment. The email provided is not published and will not be sold, rented, or shared outside of this arrangement unless ordered by a court of law.

Children’s Privacy and Usage of the Site

This Site is intended for people over the age of 18. It is not intended for children, and we ask that minors not submit any personal information to us. Blackwired does not knowingly solicit or collect information from children or minors (under the age of 18).

Policy Consent

By using our websites, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This policy appears in its completed form and supersedes any earlier version.


If you have any questions about this Site, please email

Nature of Data on the Internet

It is Blackwired Pte Ltd’s intent to guard any personal information that you submit to us, and Blackwired Pte Ltd will continue to take steps to maintain the security of this Site. However, the data we collect from you may be distributed throughout Blackwired Pte Ltd and the open nature of the Internet is such that data may flow over networks without security measures and may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. Therefore, in submitting personal information to the Site, you assume the risk of a third party obtaining that information.